While most dread and fear the delivery part of pregnancy, I have always said that delivery is the easy part! The hard part is what comes next ... “postpartum” where you need to recover, keep yourself sane and be completely responsible for a little human being (s) !
I am not trying to scare you but getting you prepped so you can try being yourself for most part of it !
I had both, natural and caesarean delivery and while I had my parents‘ help post first pregnancy , I didn’t have it this time around due to global pandemic. So I am sharing tips, tricks and things that make life easy post delivery based on my experience :-
Most important thing is “YOU GOT THIS!!”. There were millions who faced what you are or will be facing and conquered it , not just survived it. So please do not think you are alone and only person facing it. I am not disregarding what you feel or go through but remember you have the strength, just have to muster it in need 😊!
Make sure you create a support system, if possible. Not that we can’t do this alone , its just easier with company - be it life partner, family, kids, friends or online support. Just have that positive influence in your life ! A simple thing I did this time around was to add a reminder saying “You can do this!!” in my calendar around my due date (for 3 months post delivery) that props at 5 AM which is usually when I am feeding the baby and this just lifts up my mood like a warm hug. Try it , it helps!
Try and follow a good diet for first few weeks so you and baby both are sleeping well that helps in faster recovery. If you are breastfeeding, anything you eat impact the baby so unless you want to have sleepless nights with a colicky baby, just eat cautiously. I follow a pretty strict diet for first few weeks which I have share in my Postpartum Diet blog! Also don’t forget to take stool softener or laxatives prescribed by Doctor for first few days.
Make sure you educate kids and life partner or family on postpartum depression so they are aware and are on lookout. Talk to someone if you have any negative thoughts since all the hormones and sleep deprivation can cause this in anyone without warning !
It fine to “want it all“ but pregnancy and postpartum is something a little bit out of our control so don’t setup too many or too big motherhood goals that puts crazy pressure on you. Its fine if you had caesarean or couldn‘t breastfeed from day 1 or had to give formula or had to take epidural or had to be induced ! All that matters is you and the baby are safe and healthy , rest all can be handled !
“Relax” weather it’s in the hospital or while feeding the baby. Baby picks on mother’s mood so the more relaxed you are the more relaxed you baby is 😎
For natural delivery, depending on my experience below items helps in physical recovery :-
Follow Doctor’s advice on medicine , activities etc as they know your condition the best.
Buy adult diaper / postpartum diaper (small pack) or giant maxi pads with mesh underwear as this helps in first few weeks the most (In US , hospital provides lot of the items so check . Not provided in Canada hospitals)
Witch Hazel pads help in perennial healing (In US , hospital provides lot of the items so check . Not provided in Canada hospitals)
Dermoplast Or similar item helps in perennial numbing , especially if you have a tear(In US , hospital provides lot of the items so check . Not provided in Canada hospitals)
Bidet or perennial bottle is a life saver for first few weeks (In US , hospital provides lot of the items so check . Not provided in Canada hospitals)
Sitz bath also helps with recovery though I never used it.
Please DO NOT skimp on pain killers prescribed for first few days and take them within the timeframe mentioned as crossing it causes too much pain (been there and done that so learn from my mistakes !). Also, other reason is due to blood loss there is a chance you get shivers or fever which the pain killers avoid. Wean them off slowly as you feel better.
You have to move around so body recovers faster but not overdo it.
Heating and cooling pads are your friends so keep them handy
Take it easy and don’t rush your body as it pushed a human out and needs all the love and time to recover !
For caesarean delivery, depending on my experience below items helps in physical recovery :-
Follow Doctor’s advice on medicine , activities etc as they know your condition the best.
Buy adult diaper / postpartum diaper (small pack) or giant maxi pads with mesh underwear as this helps in first few weeks the most (In US , hospital provides lot of the items so check . Not provided in Canada hospitals). You will be bleeding for few keeps so stock up on regular or maxi pads ( the diaper or giant pads are for first few days)
You have to move around but not stress too much or lift heavy items till doctor clears it
Please DO NOT skimp on pain killers prescribed for first few days and take them within the timeframe mentioned as crossing it causes too much pain (been there and done that so learn from my mistakes !). Also, other reason is due to blood loss there is a chance you get shivers or fever which the pain killers avoid. Wean them off slowly as you feel better though with C-sec I went through the whole course and then some 😏.
Keep the incision would clean and dry. At any point if you have issues with wound , reach doctor and they might give antibiotic cream for better healing.
Heating and cooling pads are your friends so keep them handy
Take it easy and don’t rush your body as it went through a major surgery so give your body love and care it needs.